The Bell Island Poultry Association was organized in September 1920 with a plan to hold a three-day exhibition at the end of October in the Orange Hall. J.A. Hughes was President and J.T. Lawton was Secretary.
Bell Island's first Poultry Show was held on October 29, 1920. Dr. Alex Campbell, Minister of Agriculture and Mines, officially opened the show. Displays were of poultry, vegetables, flowers and domestic handicrafts.
Below is the letterhead of the association's stationery (found in the Squires Coll., A&SC, MUN Library).
Bell Island's first Poultry Show was held on October 29, 1920. Dr. Alex Campbell, Minister of Agriculture and Mines, officially opened the show. Displays were of poultry, vegetables, flowers and domestic handicrafts.
Below is the letterhead of the association's stationery (found in the Squires Coll., A&SC, MUN Library).
From November 15 to 18, 1921, the second Poultry Exhibition and Horticultural Show was held at the CLB Armoury. A feature of the show, which was "a highly educational one," was an exhibition of the various products of the Sydney and New Glasgow steel plants by the companies and also an exhibit of Malagash salt. Mrs. J.B. Petrie demonstrated the use of a cream separator, J.A. Hughes demonstrated the family churn, and J.T. Lawton demonstrated the workings of incubator. About 1,300 people visited the exhibition. Many prizes were awarded for poultry, vegetables, domestic handicrafts, etc.
Two weeks later, on November 30th, Bell Island was represented at the Newfoundland Poultry Show by Dr. Carnochan, J.B. Gilliatt, J.A. Hughes and Nathan Cohen. The doctor won the prize for the best exhibition of White Plymouth Rocks [hens].
The annual meeting of the Poultry Association was held in the Fire Hall on December 27, 1921, where J.B. Gilliatt was elected President. It was decided to hold an egg-laying contest and to form a "Hen's Auxiliary."
The egg-laying contest closed the first week of November 1922 after running for 10 months. The winners were: Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald, 176.9; Thomas Blackwood, 148.5; J.B. Murphy, 140.4; J.B. Petrie, 124.5; J.A. Hughes, 72.5.
The annual Poultry Show took place on November 8-10, 1922. J.A. Hughes won the Silver Cup donated by the St. John's Association by winning the greatest number of first and second places.
J.B. Gilliatt won a Silver Cup for the largest number of points for White Plymouth Rocks at the Newfoundland Poultry Exhibition in St. John's in December 1922.
Two weeks later, on November 30th, Bell Island was represented at the Newfoundland Poultry Show by Dr. Carnochan, J.B. Gilliatt, J.A. Hughes and Nathan Cohen. The doctor won the prize for the best exhibition of White Plymouth Rocks [hens].
The annual meeting of the Poultry Association was held in the Fire Hall on December 27, 1921, where J.B. Gilliatt was elected President. It was decided to hold an egg-laying contest and to form a "Hen's Auxiliary."
The egg-laying contest closed the first week of November 1922 after running for 10 months. The winners were: Mrs. Michael Fitzgerald, 176.9; Thomas Blackwood, 148.5; J.B. Murphy, 140.4; J.B. Petrie, 124.5; J.A. Hughes, 72.5.
The annual Poultry Show took place on November 8-10, 1922. J.A. Hughes won the Silver Cup donated by the St. John's Association by winning the greatest number of first and second places.
J.B. Gilliatt won a Silver Cup for the largest number of points for White Plymouth Rocks at the Newfoundland Poultry Exhibition in St. John's in December 1922.
His Excellency the Governor and Lady Allardyce paid an official visit to the Island on November 22, 1923 and opened the Poultry Exhibition. His Excellency offered a Silver Cup for the next Poultry Show.