Empire Lodge of the Society of United Fishermen (S.U.F.) was formed in the Spring of 1914 with Walter Squire as Worshipful Master, Edward Bennett as Purser, and A.E. Rees as Secretary. (Source: Bown, 1914, p. 44.)
In the Spring of 1930, the Society of United Fishermen was revived, with Walter Martin as Worshipful Master and Nathaniel Batten as Secretary. In the Spring of 1931, members of the S.U.F. and their lady friends staged a play in the C.L.B. Armoury entitled "When Kathleen and Bonnie Bell Saved the Day." Those taking part were Fred Laturno, Daisy Stares, Mary Toraville, Eugene Sheppard, Miss Sheppard, Max Dicks, Bob Butler, Alfreda Butler, George Gosse, Robert Martin, Riv Stares, William Mercer and Gordon Skanes.
For St. George's Day, 1931, the S.U.F. held their first parade since being reorganized in 1930. Thirteen bandsmen from Foxtrap headed the parade. Diving service was held at St. Cyprian's Church, where Rev. I. Parsons was the special preacher. (Source: Bown, 1931, p. 39.)
The S.U.F. Hall was located on Fancy Hill (Source: Daily News, June 1931).
For St. George's Day, 1931, the S.U.F. held their first parade since being reorganized in 1930. Thirteen bandsmen from Foxtrap headed the parade. Diving service was held at St. Cyprian's Church, where Rev. I. Parsons was the special preacher. (Source: Bown, 1931, p. 39.)
The S.U.F. Hall was located on Fancy Hill (Source: Daily News, June 1931).